Z. Jim Wang, PhD (UCSF 1996)
Distinguished Professor
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Department of Neurology and Rehabilitation
Richard and Loan Hill Department of Bioengineering
Center for Biomolecular Sciences
Program for Collaborative Research in the Pharmaceutical Sciences
Building & Room:
Molecular Biology Research Building (MBRB)
900 S Ashland Ave, Chicago, IL 60607
Office Phone:
Email: z j w a n g @uic.edu (delete all spaces before sending)
Other Phone:
Lab 312-996-9778
USPS: M/C 870, 900 S Ashland Ave, Chicago, IL 60607
FedEx, UPS: MBRB3314, 900 S Ashland, Chicago, IL 60607
Graduate Programs
biopharmaceutical sciences (http://catalog.uic.edu/gcat/colleges-schools/pharmacy/bps/)
neuroscience (https://neuro.uic.edu/faculty/zaije-wang/)
pharmacognosy (http://catalog.uic.edu/gcat/colleges-schools/pharmacy/pmpg/)
PharmD/PhD program (http://catalog.uic.edu/gcat/colleges-schools/pharmacy/pharmd-phd/)
MSTP (http://catalog.uic.edu/gcat/colleges-schools/medicine/mstp/)
Undergraduate Research
UIC/ASPET SURF (https://pharmacy.uic.edu/research/funding-opportunities/surf)
Honor's College (https://www.honors.uic.edu/about-us/)